Tag Archives: beauty

Beauty in Arts, Nature, and the Mystery

Here is the passage where Dante compares beauty in arts or in nature, with the spiritual beauty within oneself, of the Divine Mysteries: And all that art and nature can contrive to lure the eye and thus possess the mind, … Continue reading

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The Final Step, of Eunoë

The very last ritual and the ending of the book of Purgatory is the crossing of the river Eunoë, to restore and strengthen all memories of the good in life. The Pilgrim is surrounded by the seven maids who represent … Continue reading

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As Light into Water, Experiencing Differently.

When the Pilgrim (also meaning us) reaches the Moon there are two major points being illustrated at once – an opening to detect your own thinking and experiencing differently, and a symbolic way of understanding an important aspect of the … Continue reading

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Notes from Opening The Paradiso, the Second Time!

The saying goes that after reading the whole Divine Comedy by Dante, one is ready to start reading the Divine Comedy – so now we’re starting our second Journey through Paradiso, and we’ll write about the new discoveries and greatest … Continue reading

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Morning Show, August 5th!

Good morning! 🌇☀️☕️ We’re back with a little Morning Show, an indoor-Lyceum as the weather is cold, rainy and stormy today! Main topics today is Dante’s Vita Nuova, the latest video from Mythos & Logos, updates on the Website (especially … Continue reading

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Inferno 26 – Ulysses and Hubris

This morning we’ve just finished making Episode 26 on the Podcast – out next Wednesday July the 22nd- which is a deep dive into Dante’s own psyche and his relationship to his own work and writings! At the deep of … Continue reading

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Confirmation of the Rule, by Ghirlandaio

This painting in the Sassetti Chapel in Santa Trinita in Florence is a very important and historical one – showing Florence and the Medici Family symbolically replacing Rome as the main City of Culture and Glory at the time! Confirmation … Continue reading

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The foundation for Dante – Philosophy, Poetry, History!

New episode out June 5th, at 10am UK time! 😄😄 After the first 3 chapters as a sort of a preamble, the 4th chapter is about the big areas and world of traditions and heritage for Dante – with the … Continue reading

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One of the most beautiful towns and churches in Italy – Assisi in Umbria!

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Purgatory 25 – Metaphysics of Body and Soul

Today’s episode is about the climbing up to the 7th Terrace where Virgil is handing over Dante’s deep question about the nature of the “shades” to the Poet Statius. This is partly symbolic of how Dante’s question is now moving … Continue reading

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