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Author Archives: Richard Emerson
Beauty in Arts, Nature, and the Mystery
Here is the passage where Dante compares beauty in arts or in nature, with the spiritual beauty within oneself, of the Divine Mysteries: And all that art and nature can contrive to lure the eye and thus possess the mind, … Continue reading
Adam in Paradiso
Here are the words from Adam to the Pilgrim in Paradiso – as to why they were metaphorically expelled from the Garden of Eden: Know now, my son, the tasting of the tree was not itself the cause of such … Continue reading
The Definition of Hope
In the second examination the Pilgrim has to define “Hope”. His answer is: “Hope is sure expectancy of future bliss to be inherited – the holy fruit of the Divine’s own grace and man’s precedent worth.” He then says it … Continue reading
The Definition of Faith
In the first of the three examinations for the Pilgrim in Paradiso he has to define “Faith.” His answer is: “Faith is the substance of those hoped-for things, and argument for things we have not seen.” And the reason that … Continue reading
The Inner Circle of the Sun
Here are the 12 people that Dante puts in the inner circle of the Sun, the 4th Sphere: St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Albertus Magnus, Aquinas’ Teacher. (1193/1206 – 1208) Graziano (c.1075/80 – 1146/47) Peter Lombard (c.1100 – 1160) Solomon (c.970BC … Continue reading
Wednesday morning, and the latest reading of Dante’s Paradiso is slowing sinking in with great new discoveries from the very last pages. How Dante is making the point of what could be the deepest question and mystery to ponder, about … Continue reading
Examination by St. Peter, St. James and St. John
In the final steps before the Empyrean, the Pilgrim needs to show a deeper understanding of the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love – which then brings him closer to the Divine Light in the Highest Heaven. And then … Continue reading
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Tagged adam, Beatrice, dante, fixed stars, james, john, paradiso, peter
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The Constellations
In the 8th Sphere of Paradiso, Dante suddenly arrives in the Constellation of his Birth, the Gemini. From there we can look back all the way down to Earth, and on the seven spheres that Beatrice has helped “put beneath … Continue reading
The Contemplatives
In the opening of the Sphere of the Mystics, the Pilgrim is once again focusing exclusively on theology and the beauty of the divine mystery: “By now I had my eyes fixed once again upon my lady’s face, and with … Continue reading