Author Archives: Richard Emerson

The Angels

We’ve just published a new podcast episode about the Creation of the Angels here:, and reposted the Empyrean post here: Enjoy! 😊

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Ending at the Deep of Philosophy and Theology

One more thought on the Paradiso – in some ways sphere 9 and 10 are repeating the overall idea of Dante of how both philosophy and theology are paths to deep truths, but theology embeds it all. Sphere 9  is … Continue reading

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Before the 10th Heaven

We’ve just finished the Primo Mobile and the 9th Sphere, and we’re trying to digest what is really happening there; in a sense how the first two books, which are all on Earth, and then eight more spheres in the … Continue reading

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The Creation of the Angels

In Canto 29, Dante describes the origins of the Angelic Beings, as Beatrice can see in the Eternal Mind that the Pilgrim has some questions. Firstly, the argument is that the Angels were created in order to reflect and “resplendor” … Continue reading

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Evening Tea

We’ve just finished the Primo Mobile, next stretch is the last four chapters with the Empyrean – and then, we can look back at two years with reading, researching and podcasting from the Comedy! Nine full readings of individual books … Continue reading

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The Rings of Angelic Beings

Here’s the moment when the Pilgrim looks at the source of the Divine in the Deep of Motion, and sees the nine rings of Angelic Beings: there came showers of light from all the fiery rings, like molten iron in … Continue reading

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The First Mover, and Time

From the moment we leave the Fixed Stars and enter into the First Mover, the poetry changes from deep theology to pure philosophy about motion, the universe, and Time. And the whole sphere is pure motion: “The parts of this, … Continue reading

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The last step before the Empyrean is the source of Motion itself, the First Mover. It might be helpful to remember the Greek definition of nature, or physis; “the underlying force (or source) of motion and change.” Motion is thus … Continue reading

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Reflections on Paradiso

Reading the Paradiso for the third, and now fourth time, has been a fully different experience from the first journey through the spheres up to the Empyrean. The narrative seems even less structured than in the other two books, which … Continue reading

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Dante’s thoughts of the New Papacy around 1300

Towards the boundary of the material cosmos, and right before entering the Eternal Mind of the Divine, Dante sums up his thoughts about Pope Boniface VIII through the voice of St. Peter – the first Pope: He who on earth … Continue reading

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