After a great week of reading and a new website, the substance of the Purgatory is really sinking in.. especially the Seven Terraces as a deeply spiritual Journey for repentance in the sense of the Greek word “metanoia”, the changing of one’s thinking. The entrance through the first dream and relocation (from Earthly to more Spiritual) by the help of St. Lucia (Light) is a masterpiece in itself. And as we reach the threshold of the Fire on the Seventh Terrace, and then the beautiful new dream of Leah and the final crowning speech of Virgil, there is a certain sense of a “Graduation Ceremony” after the studies of the cardinal sins and the Virtues.
Going to the deep of the seven parts of the argument on Mount Purgatory really does change some deep structures for thinking and perceiving the world – in accordance with the timeless wisdom of the redeeming and helpful presence, of the Virtues.